Back on that combat system part, what also makes it so enthralling is the many different uses you can make of the varying breath attacks and experiment, coming up with your own combos and effects. Also, somehow very cinematic for a GBA game. The combat system is well-thought-out, the controls are extremely tight, the level design is explorative and rewards looking for paths off the main road (rewarding such exploration with life crystals), the story is fantastic (as to be expected of The Legend of Spyro trilogy), and great sprite-work all throughout. The combat system is well-thought-out, the controls are extremely tight, the level design is Easily the best Gameboy Advance game of all time.

Overall though, this game is good and I would definitely reccomend it to any Spyro fans out there.Easily the best Gameboy Advance game of all time. Most of the game does involve flying around trying to find things to open doors etc, and that can be difficult when you cant see where your going or would like to go. The only thing that really bugs me is the camera, its very difficult most of the time to manouver it around so that you can see what is actually going on. This game is pretty fun to play and the two player option is pretty good too, the levels are challenging but not too challenging that you can never make it to the next level. Flying was actually surprisingly difficult for me to get the hang of and to be honest I still haven't quite worked it out but i get the general gist. And I loved it! The graphics are pretty good which surprised me given that its for the Wii, it's pretty easy to use control wise once you get the hang of it which doesn't take very long. I got this game on a bit of a whim because recently my friend got me reminising about Spyro and how amazing he was 'back in the day' so because I never played it I thought why not lets give it a go.